Basic Walkthrough <-<-<- new users & returning users start here

Greetings, my fellow NLP enthusiasts. Welcome to LFTK, aka Linguistic Features ToolKit, an open-source feature extraction library. I have been building this library since 2022 to provide the community with the most comprehensive and up-to-date hancrafted linguistic feature extraction capabilities. Using spaCy as a sidekick, LFTK helps you extract a variety of features (more than 200 implemented features; Apr-26-2023).

Handcrafted Linguistic Features?

So, why would you need these “handcrafted linguistic features”? Trust me, you have already used them at some point in your NLP journey. In a 2023 paper that I introduced LFTK, I wrote, “a handcrafted linguistic feature is a single numerical value produced by a uniquely identifiable method on any natural language. Indeed, that is the best definition that I can think of.

Handcrafted vs Auto-generated

What defines a feature?

Handcrafted vs Auto-generated

What defines a feature?

So really, a handcrafted linguistic feature is any single numeric that captures some intended linguistic properties. One example would be the average number of numerals per sentence (feature key: a_num_ps).


As above-mentioned, spaCy is LFTK’s sidekick. So along with LFTK, you will need to install spaCy and one of it’s pre-trained pipelines. To install libraries, use pip if possible.

pip install lftk
pip install spacy

python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

Lets start by importing libraries and spaCy pipeline.

import spacy
import lftk

# load a trained pipeline of your choice from spacy
# remember we already downloaed "en_core_web_sm" pipeline above?
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")

Then, pass in your string to spaCy doc object.

# create a spaCy doc object
doc = nlp("I love research but my professor is strange.")

Declare LFTK Extractor object.

# initiate LFTK extractor by passing in doc
# you can pass in a list of multiple docs
LFTK = lftk.Extractor(docs = doc)

Now, extract whichever feature you want.

# now, extract the handcrafted linguistic features that you need
# refer to them with feature keys
extracted_features = LFTK.extract(features = ["a_word_ps", "a_kup_pw", "n_noun"])
# {'a_word_ps': 8.0, 'a_kup_pw': 5.754, 'n_noun': 2}

Programmatically Searching Handcrafted Features

import lftk

# returns all available features as a list of dictionaries by default
searched_features = lftk.search_features()

# [{'key': 't_word', 'name': 'total_number_of_words', 'formulation': 'foundation', 'domain': 'surface', 'family': 'wordsent'}, {'key': 't_uword', 'name': 'total_number_of_unique_words', 'formulation': 'foundation', 'domain': 'surface', 'family': 'wordsent'}, {'key': 't_sent', 'name': 'total_number_of_sentences', 'formulation': 'foundation', 'domain': 'surface', 'family': 'wordsent'},...]

# specify attributes
searched_features = lftk.search_features(domain = "surface", family = "avgwordsent")

# [{'key': 'a_word_ps', 'name': 'average_number_of_words_per_sentence', 'formulation': 'derivation', 'domain': 'surface', 'family': 'avgwordsent'}, {'key': 'a_char_ps', 'name': 'average_number_of_characters_per_sentence', 'formulation': 'derivation', 'domain': 'surface', 'family': 'avgwordsent'}, {'key': 'a_char_pw', 'name': 'average_number_of_characters_per_word', 'formulation': 'derivation', 'domain': 'surface', 'family': 'avgwordsent'}]

# return pandas dataframe instead of list of dictionaries
searched_features = lftk.search_features(domain = 'surface', family = "avgwordsent", return_format = "pandas")

#   key                                             name formulation   domain       family
#4  a_word_ps       average_number_of_words_per_sentence  derivation  surface  avgwordsent
#5  a_char_ps  average_number_of_characters_per_sentence  derivation  surface  avgwordsent
#6  a_char_pw      average_number_of_characters_per_word  derivation  surface  avgwordsent

Attribute: domain

  • surface : surface-level features that often do not represent a specific linguistic property

  • lexico-semantics : attributes associated with words

  • discourse : high-level dependencies between words and sentences

  • syntax : arrangement of words and phrases

Attribute: family

  • wordsent : basic counts of words and sentences

  • worddiff : difficulty, familiarity, frequency of words

  • partofspeech : features that deals with part of speech properties, we follow the universal POS tagging scheme

  • entity : named entities or entities such as location or person

  • avgwordsent : averaging wordsent features over certain spans

  • avgworddiff : averaging worddiff features over certain spans

  • avgpartofspeech : averaging partofspeech features over certain spans

  • avgentity : averaging entity features over certain spans

  • lexicalvariation : features that measure lexical variation (that are not TTR)

  • typetokenratio : type token ratio is known to capture lexical richness of a text

  • readformula : traditional readability formulas that calculate text readability

  • readtimeformula : basic reading time formulas (in seconds)

Attribute: language

  • general : LFTK can extract this feature in a language-agnostic manner when supplied with an appropriate spaCy pipeline

  • en : LFTK can extract this feature in English only


Q: How to extract features by group? Do I have to specify each feature individually?

No. We have a good way around, using the convenient search function. First, think about how you want to search for your handcrafted linguistic features. In this case, we only want wordsent family features that generally work across languages.

import lftk

# specify attributes and (IMPORTANT) set return_format to "list_key"
searched_features = lftk.search_features(family = "wordsent", language = "general", return_format = "list_key")

#['t_word', 't_stopword', 't_punct', 't_uword', 't_sent', 't_char']

How is this possible? search_features function returns all available features by default and a user can restrict the returned features by specifying attributes. This is analogous to asking the function to “return all features that are {attribute 1}, {attribute 2}, …” In the above case, “return all features that are {family = “wordsent”}, {language = “general”}”.

Also, see how setting return_format variable to “list_key” returns a list of the feature keys that match the user-given attributes. Now, we pass those searched keys into extract function.

# now, extract the handcrafted linguistic features that you need
extracted_features = LFTK.extract(features = searched_features)

# {'t_word': 8, 't_stopword': 4, 't_punct': 1, 't_uword': 9, 't_sent': 1, 't_char': 36}

Q: What if I wanted to extract features from multiple groups?

search_features function only allows users to pass one argument per attribute. This means that you will need to make multiple individual calls. For example, to obtain a list of features from wordsent family and readtimeformula family,

searched_features_A = lftk.search_features(family = "wordsent", return_format = "list_key")
searched_features_B = lftk.search_features(family = "readtimeformula", return_format = "list_key")

result = searched_features_A + searched_features_B

Then, you can call the usual extraction function,

extracted_features = LFTK.extract(features = result)